Madinah Part 5: Where I Left Worldly Affairs Behind

I had never been to any country where people were dashing to the masjid whenever azan is on the air. Their pace and their steps were faster as they were approaching the masjid. Even faster than girls untagging their ugly pictures on facebook. 

Where the azan was so soothing, calling you to come and pray together. And it was so magnificent, you can feel your eyes became teary each times. 

Strolling down the street of Madinah, I could not help but imagining if I am given a chance to settle down here, in Madinah. Where I will be able to conduct my own Malay restaurant business. Close the stalls when azan is on the air and be able to pray on time. 

Whatever happened at the office, has never crossed my mind. Not even once. 

I am not so sure about the feasibility of the idea. But I owe Him a large amount of gratitude for giving me the chance to spend two daily life in Madinah. 

Young Beggars
I was told not to display an obvious deed of giving sadaqah or donation to beggars in public while in Makkah or Madinah. Because if you give it to one person, another ten beggars nearby would follow you until you reached your hotel room. Scary...

But ironically, based on my observations, the beggars were young and seemed so healthy. They were in great shape, none were overweight or seemed to be suffering diabetes whatsoever. So each time I was on my way back to the hotel from masjid, I would make my way to escape between those approaching beggars as I was of the opinion they were able to work hard for food, instead of begging from people. 

I could still remember I was approached by a friendly Iraqian guy in Masjid Nabawi (so I was told). A handsome man, dressed in a decent cloth. He initiated a friendly conversation saying that he was proud to get to know a Malaysian. Finally he started to explain that he was in a deep financial trouble and he needed help. 

Scam? Not sure. Maybe it was. Or maybe he was not lying. But I had big notes of SAR. And I am sure he did not have small change. I apologised and walked away. 

It is reasonable to expect that when you are in an alien land, you would be tempted to purchase things which were not available in your country or things sold cheaper compared to your own country. After Isyak prayer and after dinner, my family would be spending their time shopping. Abaya, jubah, praying mattres, watch, fruits etc. 

There were street vendors selling things at cheap prices including tasbih, praying mattress, abaya etc. Some sold Quran too. I bought one, recited it from day one until the final day in the holy cities. By the way, we were informed by our tour guide that Quran supply in Madinah has been standardised. So if you intend to give Quran as wakaf elsewhere, ask your tour guide. 

Most vendors are able to converse in basic Malay language. Indicating that Malaysian had been their regular customer. (It's true, I haven't heard any of the vendors greeting Chinese by ni hao ma). Despite the fact that vendors in Madinah are friendly and nice, I am still not a fan of shopping activity in Madinah. If I stayed inside the shop, I would have to witness my dear mother's cruel haggling and bargaining offers. And if I stayed outside, other vendors would pull me inside their shop, kissed my cheek and said "Malaysia bagus". See the dilemma I had to face?

Told Ya, It's Madinah

As I have mentioned in previous entry, entering raudhah is a major challenge for ladies. Dissatisfied with previous attempt, my dear cousin, Fatt Sadri (a travelogger who has her own fan base, and perhaps most of you would know her) decided to attempt her luck in entering Raudhah  one more time before we left for Makkah the next day. She told the remaining family members to allow her to stay a little while in masjid. My auntie was a reluctant at first but decided to allow her in the end. So we went shopping. 

As the clock was striking 12 am, she had not return. Her parents (rather her mother), her aunties (including my dear mother) became worried of her safety. 

As for me, I knew her since we were young. She is the most independent, brave and strong woman I have ever met. She had been travelling to many cities, from the safest city to the challenging city. And this is Madinah, a holy city and I believe those with pure and noble intention would be protected by Allah. If I had to name one reason for me to be worry would be the fact that she was sick, she might faint somewhere in the masjid. 

My dear mother instructed for the my uncle and I to look out for her. (Seriously mak, do you expect me to go in female section and said Excuse me ladies, did you see my female cousin?)

Despite consoling words from my uncle saying she would be fine, we had to do what had been instructed just to give peace of mind for all of them. 

Thank God. The elevator was opened and she was there with a puzzled face of "Why?"

Told ya. It's Madinah. Thank you, Allah for protecting my cousin. 

Fatt, nasib baik kat Madinah. Kalau tak dan dan depan lif tu ai cepuk yu tau.

Stay tuned for my journey to Makkah the next day. 

Till then,

Hairi Tahir


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